You’ll Never Walk Alone

The Trinity means that you are never alone. It means that you are never without promise, presence, or purpose. It means that you always have provision and protection, peace and power. It means that your response is always to be praise and proclamation. Continue reading You’ll Never Walk Alone

Commissioned for Co-Mission

Friends, you have been commissioned for co-mission. I have intentionally made that last word co hyphen mission because the Holy Spirit is our paraclete, powerful presence, advocate, comforter, guide, and mission partner. We are never alone in mission; Jesus said he would not leave us as orphans but that he would send the Spirit to lead; he said that he would never leave us nor forsake us and that he would be with us, until the end of the age. The Spirit routinely, consistently, and faithfully forms, informs, and transforms Christ-followers into missionaries.  Continue reading Commissioned for Co-Mission

Child of God, What Are Your Intentions?

And yet, we are here tonight because two thousand years ago a Jewish itinerant preacher was killed by Rome, raised from the dead, led his disciples to a hillside in Galilee, whereupon he gave them their final marching orders, and then he ascended into the heavens, where he is now seated at the right hand of the Father. This event has shocking theological meaning and missional ramifications. Continue reading Child of God, What Are Your Intentions?

God is Not Dead!

The God who is known, who knows, and who loves is also the God who hears. This is what we find out in Psalm 66:17. God hears our cries, he hears our prayers, he hears our hearts, and he acts on our behalf. In the Bible, to hear is not to receive sound into the ear but rather to hear and to do. God has heard our cries and in Christ he has acted decisively on our behalf. Continue reading God is Not Dead!

The God Who Always Provides

As Christians, we have been crucified with Christ through the waters of baptism and we have been raised to new life with him by his resurrection. This is why we renew our baptismal covenant at the Easter Vigil, this is a baptist liturgy. Resurrection means that God has provided us with new life, resurrection life, everlasting and eternal life in the here and now because of what he has done in Christ, because of what God has done in, through, and for him. Continue reading The God Who Always Provides